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Presentation Portal Sign In

Thank you for your interest in presenting. The contribution of presenters is critical and we value your input greatly. Please sign into the Abstract Portal with your account email address and password from previous years. If you have not yet submitted a presentation, please create a new account below. If you need help, contact ceregistration@ncsu.edu


52nd Annual Veterinary Orthopedic Society Conference


We invite practitioners, academicians, and researchers interested in large animal, small animal, and exotic species, to submit abstracts of novel studies in practical and scientific topics related to veterinary orthopedics and traumatology. Preference will be given to abstracts that have clinical relevance. Papers addressing results of controlled retrospective and prospective clinical studies are strongly encouraged. Clinician investigators should also consider submitting innovative surgical techniques, or case reports describing unusual or difficult cases as these will be reviewed separate from the scientific abstracts. 


Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes and followed by 5 minutes of discussion. 

Posters must fit within the dimensions provided upon acceptance. 


Call for Abstracts

Call for papers will open: July 15, 2024

Call for papers will close: November 1, 2024 (NO DEADLINE EXTENSION FOR 2024)

After this date, no subsequent changes to the abstract will be allowed. Please note that only submissions that include BOTH the long and short versions of the abstract, properly formatted, will be considered. 



Abstracts will be scored blinded based on the significance of the findings, originality, scientific quality and general interest. Case Reports will be reviewed based on novelty, practical interest, and completeness. 



  • Clinical/Scientific Studies - Clinical research is patient oriented research. This includes using clinical patients or their tissues to study mechanisms of disease, interventions, complications, or epidemiology research. Basic science research (scientific studies) is research into the mechanisms or treatment of disease using models (i.e. disease induction, biomechanical testing, etc.).
  • Case Reports/Series - Case Reports or studies is a single case or cases where epidemiology, disease mechanism, or novel treatment is described along with outcome. 



Short Abstract Format:

This abstract will be used for publication in VCOT and conference proceedings. The abstract is limited to 250 words (excluding title, authors, affiliations, and acknowledgements) in Arial or Times-New Roman 12pt formatting. The document must be uploaded as a WORD DOCUMENT.

If submitting Clinical Research or Basic Science Research, you must use the Short Abstract Template here: Clinical Research or Basic Science Short Abstract TEMPLATE.docx
If submitting Case Reports, you must use the Short Abstract Template here: Short Abstract Case Reports TEMPLATE.docx

This is the published abstract, please ensure care with your language and grammar - despite the word limit. 


The following headings are required for submissions of Clinical Research and Basic Science Research Studies abstracts (for both long and short abstracts).

Headings are not required for Case Reports/Series, but proprietary or conflict of interest statement is still required.

  • INTRODUCTION: Background on general topic or previous work; include statement of purpose of the study and hypothesis. This should convey the need, significance/impact of the work.
  • MATERIALS AND METHODS:  Briefly describe the methodology of research or technique used in this study. Methods should be appropriate to answer the hypothesis or problem that generated the work. 
  • RESULTS: Data should be presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions. It is not acceptable to generalize or state, "results will be discussed"
  • DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Include the interpretation of the results. Do not simply restate the results. Was the hypothesis/problem answered? Were limitations or additional problems identified? How can the information derived from this study, or technique, best be applied to further research or clinical situation? Provide relevance and/or innovation to the current body of knowledge. 
  • ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Disclose any proprietary interest and identify financial support, either by direct funding (extramural or intramural) or materials. This MUST be provided in both the short and long abstracts for the abstracts to be considered complete. If there is no funding, you must still make a statement such as, "There was no proprietary interest or funding provided for this project."

Long Abstract Format:

The long abstract is for the review process. The abstract length is limited to 800 words (excluding references, acknowledgements, tables, and figures, and legends). Single space between paragraphs, using Times New Roman or Arial 12pt font. Do NOT include authors' names or affiliations in this abstract or the document name upon saving to maintain anonymity during the review process. VOS is not responsible if affiliations are included in this abstract. Pictures, tables, and figures are allowed. The document must be uploaded as a WORD DOCUMENT.


The following headings are required for submissions of Clinical Research and Basic Science Research Studies abstracts (for both long and short abstracts). Headings are not required for Case Reports/Series, but proprietary or conflict of interest statement is still required. 

If submitting Clinical Research and Basic Science Research, abstracts must be submitted using the Long Abstract Template Long Abstract Clinical Research or Basic Science Research TEMPLATE.docx
If submitting Case Reports, abstracts must be submitted using the Long Abstract Template 
Long Abstract Case Reports TEMPLATE.docx

  • INTRODUCTION: Background on general topic or previous work; include statement of purpose of the study and hypothesis. This should convey the need, significance/impact of the work.
  • MATERIALS AND METHODS:  Briefly describe the methodology of research or technique used in this study. Methods should be appropriate to answer the hypothesis or problem that generated the work. 
  • RESULTS: Data should be presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions. It is not acceptable to generalize or state, "results will be discussed"
  • DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Include the interpretation of the results. Do not simply restate the results. Was the hypothesis/problem answered? Were limitations or additional problems identified? How can the information derived from this study, or technique, best be applied to further research or clinical situation? Provide relevance and/or innovation to the current body of knowledge. 
  • REFERENCES: A limited number (e.g. five) of references are allowed, if necessary, in the long abstract
  • ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Disclose any proprietary interest and identify financial support, either by direct funding (extramural or intramural) or materials. This MUST be provided in both the short and long abstracts for the abstracts to be considered complete. If there is no funding, you must still make a statement such as, "There was no proprietary interest or funding provided for this project."

There will also be a place to upload figures in the submission process.


Presentation Awards:


The Mark S. Bloomberg Memorial Resident Research Award was established to recognize outstanding resident abstract submissions to the scientific program. At least one recipient and up to seven recipients per year will be awarded up to $1,500.00 towards expenses to attend and present their abstract at our annual meeting. Only individuals currently in a residency training program or within 2 years of completion of a formal residency program are eligible. The abstract submission may only be of studies conducted during the residency program. All abstracts being submitted for consideration of this award must indicate so on online submission form.

Winners of the prestigious Bloomberg Awards are encouraged to attend the Thursday night banquet. This is the recipient’s opportunity to be recognized by the VOS membership and to “give back” by attending and acknowledging VOS’s contribution to his or her research and career. The Bloomberg lectures will be scheduled for Thursday morning to make attendance at the banquet even easier.

The Gretchen Flo Student/Intern Research Award was established to recognize outstanding student or intern abstract submissions to the scientific program. Up to six recipients will be awarded (depending on abstract quality) up to $1,500.00 towards expenses to attend and present their abstract at our annual meeting. Only individuals currently in a DVM or Intern training program or within 1 year of completion of a formal internship or DVM program are eligible. The work must be performed as a student or intern. All abstracts being submitted for consideration of this award must indicate so on online submission form.




If you have any questions regarding abstract content, please contact:


Mike Karlin, VOS Scientific Program Chair
Email address: mike.karlin@tufts.edu 


Elizabeth Collar, VOS Assistant Scientific Program Chair
Email address: collarvet@gmail.com


If you have questions regarding the abstract portal, please contact ceregistration@ncsu.edu


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